Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A New Year's Eve Update on America's Next Great Observatory...

The telescope and instruments for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope were recently attached to the observatory’s instrument carrier at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
NASA / Chris Gunn

NASA Successfully Integrates Roman Mission’s Telescope, Instruments (News Release - December 12)

NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope team has successfully integrated the mission’s telescope and two instruments onto the instrument carrier, marking the completion of the Roman payload. Now the team at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, will begin joining the payload to the spacecraft.

“We’re in the middle of an exciting stage of mission preparation,” said Jody Dawson, a Roman systems engineer at NASA Goddard. “All the components are now here at Goddard, and they’re coming together in quick succession. We expect to integrate the telescope and instruments with the spacecraft before the year is up.”

Engineers first integrated the Coronagraph Instrument, a technology demonstration designed to image exoplanets — worlds outside of our Solar System — by using a complex suite of masks and active mirrors to obscure the glare of the planets’ host stars.

Then the team integrated the Optical Telescope Assembly, which includes a 7.9-foot (2.4-meter) primary mirror, nine additional mirrors and their supporting structures and electronics. The telescope will focus cosmic light and send it to Roman’s instruments, revealing billions of objects strewn throughout space and time. Roman will be the most stable large telescope ever built, at least 10 times more so than NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and 100 times more than the agency’s Hubble Space Telescope.

Roman's stability will allow scientists to make measurements at levels of precision that can answer important questions about dark energy, dark matter and worlds beyond our Solar System.

With those components in place, the team then added Roman’s primary instrument. Called the Wide Field Instrument, this 300-megapixel infrared camera will give Roman a deep, panoramic view of the Universe. Through the Wide Field Instrument’s surveys, scientists will be able to explore distant exoplanets, stars, galaxies, black holes, dark energy, dark matter and more.

Thanks to the Wide Field Instrument and the observatory’s efficiency, Roman will be able to image large areas of the sky 1,000 times faster than Hubble with the same sharp, sensitive image quality.

“It would be quicker to list the astronomy topics Roman won’t be able to address than those it will,” said Julie McEnery, the Roman senior project scientist at NASA Goddard. “We’ve never had a tool like this before. Roman will revolutionize the way we do astronomy.”

The telescope and instruments were mounted to Roman’s instrument carrier and precisely aligned in the largest clean room at Goddard, where the observatory is being assembled. Now, the whole assembly is being attached to the Roman spacecraft, which will deliver the observatory to its orbit and enable it to function once there.

At the same time, the mission’s deployable aperture cover — a visor that will shield the telescope from unwanted light — is being joined to the outer barrel assembly, which serves as the telescope’s exoskeleton.

“We’ve had an incredible year, and we’re looking forward to another one!” said Bear Witherspoon, a Roman systems engineer at NASA Goddard. “While the payload and spacecraft undergo a smattering of testing together, the team will work toward integrating the solar panels onto the outer barrel assembly.”

That keeps the observatory on track for completion by fall 2026 and launch no later than May 2027.

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is managed at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, with participation by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Caltech/IPAC in Southern California, the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, and a science team comprising scientists from various research institutions. The primary industrial partners are BAE Systems Inc. in Boulder, Colorado; L3Harris Technologies in Rochester, New York; and Teledyne Scientific & Imaging in Thousand Oaks, California.

Source: NASA.Gov


Technicians integrate the primary science instrument for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, called the Wide Field Instrument (at left), in the biggest clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
NASA / Chris Gunn

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Remembering Jimmy Carter's Contribution to Space Exploration...

As Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Director Lee Scherer looks on, President Jimmy Carter, his wife Rosalynn and their daughter Amy gaze at a scale model of the crawler-transporter that sent space shuttle stacks to KSC's Launch Complex 39 from the Vehicle Assembly Building for flight...in this 1978 photo.

NASA Administrator Pays Tribute to President Carter (Press Release)

The following is a statement from NASA Administrator Bill Nelson on Sunday’s passing of President Jimmy Carter:

“President Carter was the pinnacle of a public servant, dedicating his life to making our world a better place. He showed us each and every person has the power to make a difference. From providing for those in need, protecting the environment, and championing civil and human rights, President Carter was a good man who always strove to do what was right. He embodied the very best of humanity and his life and legacy are an example to the United States and the world.

“NASA’s Voyager 1, the most distant human-made object from Earth, carries a message from President Carter that captures his core goodness and grace:

“'If one such civilization intercepts Voyager and can understand these recorded contents, here is our message: This is a present from a small distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts, and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. We hope someday, having solved the problems we face, to join a community of galactic civilizations. This record represents our hope and our determination, and our good will in a vast and awesome universe.'

“President Carter understood an important truth: that we find common ground when we look to the stars. His words will forever belong to the heavens, and his legacy has forever bettered our country – and our Earth. The NASA family and I are keeping the Carter family close in our thoughts. May President Carter rest in peace.”

Source: NASA.Gov


Friday, December 27, 2024

SOLAR PROBE PLUS Is Alive and Well Following its Christmas Eve Encounter with our Host Star...

An artist's concept of NASA's Parker Solar Probe spacecraft approaching the Sun.

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Reports Successful Closest Approach to Sun (News Release)

Following its record-breaking closest approach to the Sun, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has transmitted a beacon tone back to Earth indicating that it’s in good health and operating normally.

The mission operations team at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland received the signal just before midnight EST, on the night of December 26. The team was out of contact with the spacecraft during closest approach, which occurred on December 24, with Parker Solar Probe zipping just 3.8 million miles from the solar surface while moving about 430,000 miles per hour.

The spacecraft is expected to send back detailed telemetry data about its status on January 1.

This close-up study of the Sun allows Parker Solar Probe to take measurements that help scientists better understand how material in this region gets heated to millions of degrees, trace the origin of the solar wind (a continuous flow of material escaping from the Sun), and discover how energetic particles are accelerated to near light speed. Previous close passes have helped scientists pinpoint the origins of structures in the solar wind and map the outer boundary of the Sun’s atmosphere.

Parker Solar Probe was developed as part of NASA’s Living With a Star program to explore aspects of the Sun-Earth system that directly affect life and society. The Living With a Star program is managed by the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. APL designed, built and operates the spacecraft, and manages the mission for NASA.

Source: NASA.Gov

Sunday, December 22, 2024

A New Radio Dish for Space Exploration Is Emerging in the California Desert...

The 133-ton reflector dish for Deep Space Station 23 is about to be attached to its pedestal at NASA's Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex near Barstow, California...on December 18, 2024.
NASA / JPL - Caltech

NASA’s New Deep Space Network Antenna Has Its Crowning Moment (News Release - December 20)

Deep Space Station 23’s 133-ton reflector dish was recently installed, marking a key step in strengthening NASA’s Deep Space Network.

NASA’s Deep Space Network, an array of giant radio antennas, allows agency missions to track, send commands to, and receive scientific data from spacecraft venturing to the Moon and beyond. NASA is adding a new antenna, bringing the total to 15, to support increased demand for the world’s largest and most sensitive radio frequency telecommunication system.

Installation of the latest antenna took place on December 18, when teams at NASA’s Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex near Barstow, California, installed the metal reflector framework for Deep Space Station 23, a multifrequency beam-waveguide antenna. When operational in 2026, Deep Space Station 23 will receive transmissions from missions such as Perseverance, Psyche, Europa Clipper, Voyager 1 and a growing fleet of future human and robotic spacecraft in deep space.

“This addition to the Deep Space Network represents a crucial communication upgrade for the agency,” said Kevin Coggins, deputy associate administrator of NASA’s SCaN (Space Communications and Navigation) program. “The communications infrastructure has been in continuous operation since its creation in 1963, and with this upgrade we are ensuring NASA is ready to support the growing number of missions exploring the Moon, Mars and beyond.”

Construction of the new antenna has been under way for more than four years, and during the installation, teams used a crawler crane to lower the 133-ton metal skeleton of the 112-foot-wide (34-meter-wide) parabolic reflector before it was bolted to a 65-foot-high (20-meter-high) alidade, a platform above the antenna’s pedestal that will steer the reflector during operations.

“One of the biggest challenges facing us during the lift was to ensure that 40 bolt-holes were perfectly aligned between the structure and alidade,” said Germaine Aziz, systems engineer, Deep Space Network Aperture Enhancement Program of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “This required a meticulous emphasis on alignment prior to the lift to guarantee everything went smoothly on the day.”

Following the main lift, engineers carried out a lighter lift to place a quadripod, a four-legged support structure weighing 16 1/2 tons, onto the center of the upward-facing reflector. The quadripod features a curved subreflector that will direct radio frequency signals from deep space that bounce off the main reflector into the antenna’s pedestal, where the antenna’s receivers are housed.

Engineers will now work to fit panels onto the steel skeleton to create a curved surface to reflect radio frequency signals. Once complete, Deep Space Station 23 will be the fifth of six new beam-waveguide antennas to join the network, following Deep Space Station 53, which was added at the Deep Space Network’s Madrid complex in 2022.

“With the Deep Space Network, we are able to explore the Martian landscape with our rovers, see the James Webb Space Telescope’s stunning cosmic observations, and so much more,” said Laurie Leshin, director of JPL. “The network enables over 40 deep space missions, including the farthest human-made objects in the Universe, Voyager 1 and 2. With upgrades like these, the network will continue to support humanity’s exploration of our Solar System and beyond, enabling groundbreaking science and discovery far into the future.”

NASA’s Deep Space Network is managed by JPL, with the oversight of NASA’s SCaN Program. More than 100 NASA and non-NASA missions rely on the Deep Space Network and Near Space Network, including supporting astronauts aboard the International Space Station and future Artemis missions, monitoring Earth’s weather and the effects of climate change, supporting lunar exploration, and uncovering the Solar System and beyond.

Source: Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Happy Winter Solstice! SOLAR PROBE PLUS Is Ready for its Christmas Eve Encounter with our Host Star...

An artist's concept of NASA's Parker Solar Probe spacecraft approaching the Sun.

Parker Solar Probe Begins Record-Setting Closest Approach to the Sun (News Release - December 20)

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is in good health and operating normally as it speeds toward its closest-ever flight around the Sun on Christmas Eve.

Mission operators at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, received a beacon transmission from Parker, through NASA’s Deep Space Network complex in Canberra, Australia, at 7:20 p.m. EST today indicating that all spacecraft systems were operating normally.

“This is one example of NASA’s bold missions, doing something that no one else has ever done before to answer longstanding questions about our Universe,” said Arik Posner, Parker Solar Probe program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “We can’t wait to receive that first status update from the spacecraft and start receiving the science data in the coming weeks.”

Parker is now on course to fly just 3.8 million miles (around 6.1 million kilometers) from the surface of the Sun on Tuesday, December 24, at 6:53 a.m. EST. During closest approach, or perihelion, mission operations will be out of contact with the spacecraft, and Parker will transmit another beacon tone on Friday, December 27, to confirm its health following the close flyby.

“No human-made object has ever passed this close to a star, so Parker will truly be returning data from uncharted territory” said Nick Pinkine, Parker Solar Probe mission operations manager at APL. “We’re excited to hear back from the spacecraft when it swings back around the Sun.”

Parker Solar Probe was developed as a part of NASA’s Living With a Star program to explore aspects of the Sun-Earth system that directly affect life and society. The Living With a Star program is managed by the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. APL manages Parker Solar Probe for NASA and designed, built and operates the mission.

Source: NASA.Gov

Friday, December 20, 2024

America's Newest X-Plane Comes to Life in the California Desert...

NASA's X-59 QueSST aircraft throttles up its engine to maximum afterburner during a test at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in Palmdale, California...on December 12, 2024.
Lockheed Martin Corporation / Garr

NASA Runs X-59 Engine with Maximum Afterburner for First Time (News Release)

NASA completed the first maximum afterburner engine run test on its X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft on December 12. The ground test, conducted at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility in Palmdale, California, marks a significant milestone as the X-59 team progresses toward flight.

An afterburner is a component of some jet engines that generates additional thrust. Running the engine, an F414-GE-100, with afterburner will allow the X-59 to meet its supersonic speed requirements. The test demonstrated the engine’s ability to operate within temperature limits and with adequate airflow for flight.

The test also showed the engine’s ability to operate in sync with the aircraft’s other subsystems.

The X-59 is the centerpiece of NASA’s QueSST mission, which seeks to solve one of the major barriers to supersonic flight over land by making sonic booms quieter. The X-59’s first flight is expected to occur in 2025.

Source: NASA.Gov


NASA's X-59 QueSST aircraft throttles up its engine to maximum afterburner during a test at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in Palmdale, California...on December 12, 2024.
Lockheed Martin Corporation / Garr

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The First Blue Ghost Lander Arrives in Florida for Launch, while Firefly Looks Ahead to a Third Lunar Mission...

An artist's concept of a Blue Ghost lander, as well as a rover built by an industry provider, that Firefly Aerospace will send to the Moon on its third NASA CLPS mission in 2028.
Firefly Aerospace

Firefly Awarded $179 Million NASA Contract for Moon Delivery to Gruithuisen Domes (Press Release)

Cedar Park, Texas – Firefly Aerospace, Inc., the leader in end-to-end responsive space services, was awarded an approximately $179.6 million NASA contract to deliver and operate six NASA instruments in the Gruithuisen Domes on the Moon’s near side in 2028. As part of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload (CLPS) initiative, the mission will utilize Firefly’s Blue Ghost lunar lander, Elytra Dark orbital vehicle, and a rover from an industry provider to investigate the unique composition of the Gruithuisen Domes – a part of the Moon that has never been explored.

“Firefly is proud to land our fourth NASA CLPS award for another complex mission, which is what our team does best,” said Jason Kim, CEO of Firefly Aerospace. “This incredible team gained a hard-earned reputation for smooth payload integrations, well-rehearsed operations, and robust testing and transparency throughout Blue Ghost Mission 1 preparations. As Firefly works towards becoming the go-to commercial company to provide autonomous systems on the Moon and beyond, our robust line of vehicles stand ready to deliver a historic mission to the Gruithuisen Domes.”

During mission operations, Firefly’s Elytra Dark transfer vehicle will first deploy the Blue Ghost lander into lunar orbit and then remain on orbit to provide long-haul communications. Blue Ghost will then land in the Gruithuisen Domes, deploy the rover, and support payload operations for more than 14 days on the lunar surface. The NASA payloads onboard Blue Ghost include the Radio-wave Observations at the Lunar Surface of the photoElectron Sheath (ROLSES) telescope, the Sample Acquisition, Morphology Filtering, and Probing of Lunar Regolith (SAMPLR) robotic arm, the Neutron Measurements at the Lunar Surface (NMLS) instrument, the Photovoltaic Investigation on the Lunar Surface (PILS) instrument, and the Heimdall camera system.

The mission will also carry NASA’s Lunar Vulkan Imaging and Spectroscopy Explorer (Lunar-VISE) payload with multiple instruments attached to both the lander and rover to determine the composition of the Gruithuisen Gamma Dome. Considered a geologic mystery, the Gruithuisen Domes appear to be composed of silica-rich volcanic minerals, which could indicate the presence of lunar water and hydrogen. The NASA payloads onboard Blue Ghost Mission 3 will investigate the formation and physical properties of the domes, including the potential detection of water and hydrogen molecules, in addition to other science investigations.

“Firefly is dedicated to flying annual missions to the Moon for both government and commercial customers as we continue to pave the way for a lasting lunar presence,” said Brett Alexander, Chief Revenue Officer at Firefly Aerospace. “We’re seeing growing interest from organizations looking to unlock the Moon’s resources and build a robust lunar ecosystem, and we welcome additional partners to join us.”

Along with the NASA payloads, Firefly’s mission has capacity for additional customers, offering orbital transfer and long-haul communications in cislunar space on Elytra as well as lunar surface delivery and operations on Blue Ghost. Customers interested in joining Blue Ghost Mission 3 can find more information at https://fireflyspace.com/missions/blue-ghost-mission-3/.

Firefly’s first mission to the Moon, Ghost Riders in the Sky, is on track for launch in mid-January 2025 with 10 NASA payloads onboard Blue Ghost. Firefly’s second lunar mission is scheduled to launch in 2026, utilizing a similar two-stage spacecraft configuration as Blue Ghost Mission 3, with the Blue Ghost lander stacked on Elytra Dark to support payload operations on the far side of the Moon and in lunar orbit.

Source: Firefly Aerospace


Thursday, December 12, 2024

A Nuclear-powered Robot Rolls to New Heights on the Red Planet...

An image taken from a spot known as 'Lookout Hill' that overlooks the rim of Jezero Crater...as seen by NASA's Perseverance Mars rover on December 10, 2024.
NASA / JPL - Caltech

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Reaches Top of Jezero Crater Rim (News Release)

The road ahead will be even more scientifically intriguing, and probably somewhat easier-going, now that the six-wheeler has completed its long climb to the top.

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover has crested the top of Jezero Crater’s rim at a location that the science team calls “Lookout Hill” and rolling towards its first science stop after the monthslong climb. The rover made the ascent in order to explore a region of Mars unlike anywhere it has investigated before.

Taking about 3½ months and ascending 1,640 vertical feet (500 vertical meters), the rover climbed 20% grades, making stops along the way for science observations. Perseverance’s science team shared some of their work and future plans at a media briefing held on Thursday, December 12, in Washington at the American Geophysical Union’s annual meeting, the country’s largest gathering of Earth and space scientists.

“During the Jezero Crater rim climb, our rover drivers have done an amazing job negotiating some of the toughest terrain we’ve encountered since landing,” said Steven Lee, deputy project manager for Perseverance at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “They developed innovative approaches to overcome these challenges — even tried driving backward to see if it would help — and the rover has come through it all like a champ. Perseverance is ‘go’ for everything the science team wants to throw at it during this next science campaign.”

Since landing at Jezero in February 2021, Perseverance has completed four science campaigns: the “Crater Floor,” “Fan Front,” “Upper Fan” and “Margin Unit.” The science team is calling Perseverance’s fifth campaign the “Northern Rim” because its route covers the northern part of the southwestern section of Jezero’s rim. Over the first year of the Northern Rim campaign, the rover is expected to visit as many as four sites of geologic interest, take several samples, and drive about 4 miles (6.4 kilometers).

“The Northern Rim campaign brings us completely new scientific riches as Perseverance roves into fundamentally new geology,” said Ken Farley, project scientist for Perseverance at Caltech in Pasadena. “It marks our transition from rocks that partially filled Jezero Crater when it was formed by a massive impact about 3.9 billion years ago to rocks from deep down inside Mars that were thrown upward to form the crater rim after impact.”

“These rocks represent pieces of early Martian crust and are among the oldest rocks found anywhere in the Solar System. Investigating them could help us understand what Mars — and our own planet — may have looked like in the beginning,” Farley added.

First Stop: ‘Witch Hazel Hill’

With Lookout Hill in its rearview mirror, Perseverance is headed to a scientifically-significant rocky outcrop about 1,500 feet (450 meters) down the other side of the rim that the science team calls “Witch Hazel Hill.”

“The campaign starts off with a bang because Witch Hazel Hill represents over 330 feet of layered outcrop, where each layer is like a page in the book of Martian history. As we drive down the hill, we will be going back in time, investigating the ancient environments of Mars recorded in the crater rim,” said Candice Bedford, a Perseverance scientist from Purdue University in West Layfette, Indiana. “Then, after a steep descent, we take our first turns of the wheel away from the crater rim toward ‘Lac de Charmes,’ about 2 miles south.”

Lac de Charmes intrigues the science team because, being located on the plains beyond the rim, it is less likely to have been significantly affected by the formation of Jezero Crater.

After leaving Lac de Charmes, the rover will traverse about a mile (1.6 kilometers) back to the rim to investigate a stunning outcrop of large blocks known as megabreccia. These blocks may represent ancient bedrock broken up during the Isidis impact, a planet-altering event that likely excavated deep into the Martian crust as it created an impact basin some 745 miles (1,200 kilometers) wide, 3.9 billion years in the past.

Source: Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Remembering the Mars Helicopter's Final Flight...

An image of the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, which sustained damage to its rotor blades, as seen by NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover from a distance...on February 24, 2024.
NASA / JPL - Caltech / LANL / CNES / CNRS

NASA Performs First Aircraft Accident Investigation on Another World (News Release)

The review takes a close look at the final flight of the agency’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, which was the first aircraft to fly on another world.

Engineers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California and AeroVironment are completing a detailed assessment of the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter’s final flight on January 18, 2024, which will be published in the next few weeks as a NASA technical report. Designed as a technology demonstration to perform up to five experimental test flights over 30 days, Ingenuity was the first aircraft on another world. It operated for almost three years, performed 72 flights, and flew more than 30 times farther than planned while accumulating over two hours of flight time.

The investigation concludes that the inability of Ingenuity’s navigation system to provide accurate data during the flight likely caused a chain of events that ended the mission. The report’s findings are expected to benefit future Mars helicopters, as well as other aircraft destined to operate on other worlds.

Final Ascent

Flight 72 was planned as a brief vertical hop to assess Ingenuity’s flight systems and photograph the area. Data from the flight shows Ingenuity climbing to 40 feet (12 meters), hovering and capturing images. It initiated its descent at 19 seconds, and by 32 seconds the helicopter was back on the surface and had halted communications.

The following day, the mission reestablished communications, and images that came down six days after the flight revealed Ingenuity had sustained severe damage to its rotor blades.

What Happened

“When running an accident investigation from 100 million miles away, you don’t have any black boxes or eyewitnesses,” said Ingenuity’s first pilot, Håvard Grip of JPL. “While multiple scenarios are viable with the available data, we have one we believe is most likely: Lack of surface texture gave the navigation system too little information to work with.”

The helicopter’s vision navigation system was designed to track visual features on the surface using a downward-looking camera over well-textured (pebbly) but flat terrain. This limited tracking capability was more than sufficient for carrying out Ingenuity’s first five flights, but by Flight 72 the helicopter was in a region of Jezero Crater filled with steep, relatively featureless sand ripples.

One of the navigation system’s main requirements was to provide velocity estimates that would enable the helicopter to land within a small envelope of vertical and horizontal velocities. Data sent down during Flight 72 shows that, around 20 seconds after takeoff, the navigation system couldn’t find enough surface features to track.

Photographs taken after the flight indicate that the navigation errors created high horizontal velocities at touchdown. In the most likely scenario, the hard impact on the sand ripple’s slope caused Ingenuity to pitch and roll. The rapid attitude change resulted in loads on the fast-rotating rotor blades beyond their design limits, snapping all four of them off at their weakest point — about a third of the way from the tip.

The damaged blades caused excessive vibration in the rotor system, ripping the remainder of one blade from its root and generating an excessive power demand that resulted in loss of communications.

Down but Not Out

Although Flight 72 permanently grounded Ingenuity, the helicopter still beams weather and avionics test data to the Perseverance rover about once a week. The weather information could benefit future explorers of the Red Planet. The avionics data is already proving useful to engineers working on future designs of aircraft and other vehicles for the Red Planet.

“Because Ingenuity was designed to be affordable while demanding huge amounts of computer power, we became the first mission to fly commercial off-the-shelf cellphone processors in deep space,” said Teddy Tzanetos, Ingenuity’s project manager. “We’re now approaching four years of continuous operations, suggesting that not everything needs to be bigger, heavier and radiation-hardened to work in the harsh Martian environment.”

Inspired by Ingenuity’s longevity, NASA engineers have been testing smaller, lighter avionics that could be used in vehicle designs for the Mars Sample Return campaign. The data is also helping engineers as they research what a future Mars helicopter could look like — and do.

During a Wednesday, December 11, briefing at the American Geophysical Union’s annual meeting in Washington, Tzanetos shared details on the Mars Chopper rotorcraft, a concept that he and other Ingenuity alumni are researching. As designed, Chopper is approximately 20 times heavier than Ingenuity, could fly several pounds of science equipment, and autonomously explore remote Martian locations while traveling up to 2 miles (3 kilometers) in a day. (Ingenuity’s longest flight was 2,310 feet, or 704 meters.)

“Ingenuity has given us the confidence and data to envision the future of flight at Mars,” said Tzanetos.

Source: Jet Propulsion Laboratory


An infographic showing how the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter made a rough landing on the 72nd and final flight of its mission...on January 18, 2024.
NASA / JPL - Caltech

Monday, December 09, 2024

Finding Weird Celestial Objects Around Our Solar System...

An artist's concept of 1I/2017 U1 (‘Oumuamua) traveling through deep space.
European Southern Observatory / M. Kornmesser

NASA Researchers Discover More Dark Comets (News Release)

These celestial objects that look like asteroids but act like comets now come in two flavors.

The first dark comet — a celestial object that looks like an asteroid but moves through space like a comet — was reported less than two years ago. Soon after, another six were found. In a new paper, researchers announce the discovery of seven more, doubling the number of known dark comets, and find that they fall into two distinct populations: larger ones that reside in the outer Solar System and smaller ones in the inner Solar System, with various other traits that set them apart.

The findings were published on Monday, December 9, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Scientists got their first inkling that dark comets exist when they noted in a March 2016 study that the trajectory of “asteroid” 2003 RM had moved ever so slightly from its expected orbit. That deviation couldn’t be explained by the typical accelerations of asteroids, like the small acceleration known as the Yarkovsky effect.

“When you see that kind of perturbation on a celestial object, it usually means it’s a comet, with volatile material outgassing from its surface giving it a little thrust,” said study coauthor Davide Farnocchia of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “But try as we might, we couldn’t find any signs of a comet’s tail. It looked like any other asteroid — just a pinpoint of light. So, for a short while, we had this one weird celestial object that we couldn’t fully figure out.”

Weird Celestial Objects

Farnocchia and the astronomical community didn’t have to wait long for another piece of the puzzle. The next year, in 2017, a NASA-sponsored telescope discovered history’s first documented celestial object that originated outside our Solar System. Not only did 1I/2017 U1 (‘Oumuamua) appear as a single point of light, like an asteroid, its trajectory changed as if it were outgassing volatile material from its surface, like a comet.

“‘Oumuamua was surprising in several ways,” said Farnocchia. “The fact that the first object we discovered from interstellar space exhibited similar behaviors to 2003 RM made 2003 RM even more intriguing.”

By 2023, researchers had identified seven Solar System objects that looked like asteroids but acted like comets. That was enough for the astronomical community to bestow upon them their own celestial object category: “dark comets.” Now, with the finding of seven more of these objects, researchers could start on a new set of questions.

“We had a big enough number of dark comets that we could begin asking if there was anything that would differentiate them,” said Darryl Seligman, a postdoctoral fellow in the department of Physics at Michigan State University, East Lansing, and lead author of the new paper. “By analyzing the reflectivity,” or albedo, “and the orbits, we found that our Solar System contains two different types of dark comets.”

Two Kinds of Dark Comets

The study’s authors found that one kind, which they call outer dark comets, have similar characteristics to Jupiter-family comets: They have highly-eccentric (or elliptical) orbits and are on the larger side (hundreds of meters or more across).

The second group, inner dark comets, reside in the inner Solar System (which includes Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars), travel in nearly circular orbits, and are on the smaller side (tens of meters or less).

Like so many astronomical discoveries, Seligman and Farnocchia’s research not only expands on our knowledge of dark comets, but it also raises several additional questions: Where did dark comets originate? What causes their anomalous acceleration? Could they contain ice?

“Dark comets are a new potential source for having delivered the materials to Earth that were necessary for the development of life,” said Seligman. “The more we can learn about them, the better we can understand their role in our planet’s origin.”

Source: Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Interstellar Probe: The Dream Is Lost (Again)...

An artist's concept of the proposed Interstellar Probe.

Earlier today, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) released the long-awaited Solar and Space Physics Decadal Survey...a report that recommended to NASA what type of heliophysics-centric mission the agency should undertake over the next 10 years.

The decadal survey proposed that NASA conduct two flagship-class missions: Links, a satellite constellation that consisted of over two dozen spacecraft flying in different orbits to study Earth's magnetosphere, and the Solar Polar Orbiter—a mission that would see a robotic probe orbiting the Sun's polar regions to observe them from above.

What the decadal survey didn't recommend was an ambitious mission that I've been enthusiastically posting about since early 2021: the Interstellar Probe (IP).

Just like what happened when the Trident Neptune-Triton flyby mission was rejected by NASA in early 2021 in favor of two Venus-bound spacecraft, I'm absolutely disappointed that the Interstellar Probe will not see the light of day. At least within the next decade or so, and in the type of mission profile that the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory—who NASA paid $4 million to study the feasibility of this project and would've built the IP spacecraft itself—proposed in its Mission Concept Report three years ago.

If you've been reading this Blog since at least September of 2005 (stop smirking), you'll know just how eager I am to see NASA develop another Pioneer/Voyager/New Horizons-type mission that will fly to the outer Solar System and beyond. Obviously, I was very excited to see what kind of scientific discoveries IP would make during a 15-year journey to interstellar space (on a mission that was designed to last up to 50 years), but it was the dream of putting my name on the spacecraft in a potential public outreach campaign (like what was done with New Horizons back in 2005—when over 430,000 people submitted their names online to be flown on a compact disc aboard the Pluto-bound explorer) that enthralled me about this endeavor.

I got to send a message via radio signal to the exoplanet Gliese 581d courtesy of the Hello From Earth campaign in 2009, but to have my name on an actual spacecraft and not in an energy wave traveling through the Milky Way galaxy some day was obviously a more wondrous scenario.

What makes me especially annoyed about this new decadal survey is that the Solar Polar Orbiter is basically a rehash of the NASA and European Space Agency's Ulysses mission which launched in 1990 and studied the Sun till 2008. Unlike Ulysses, however, the Solar Polar Orbiter would be equipped with cameras to photograph the northern and southern regions of our host star.

Big whoop. What's that compared to potentially capturing an image of our entire Solar System from beyond the heliosphere courtesy of the Interstellar Probe?

Seeing as how NASEM wanted NASA to focus on the near-Earth space environment and how solar activity affected it, it's clearly obvious that the decadal survey was influenced by this year's geomagnetic storms that caused auroras to be visible around much of the globe. This is similar to how the 2020 discovery of phosphine in Venus' atmosphere ultimately caused Trident to be rejected in favor of the VERITAS and DAVINCI missions...which NASA doesn't even care to launch to the Evening Star till sometime next decade.

(Trident would've lifted off for Neptune either next year or 2026 had NASA approved it as its next Discovery-class mission.)

Well... It's clearly obvious that the Universe doesn't really want me to put my moniker on a New Horizons-type spacecraft anytime soon. I guess I'll just have to stick with submitting my name to fly on missions within our Solar System instead.

But one thing is certain: I can have a virtual presence on over a hundred spacecraft venturing to destinations as close as Venus (courtesy of Akatsuki) and worlds as distant as Saturn (through Cassini) in our Solar System, and these missions will never make up for me missing out on New Horizons...or having the dream opportunity that is the Interstellar Probe taken from me and everyone else who are enamored by the idea of having their name attached to a manmade object drifting through the cosmos.

Happy Thursday.

An infographic showing the various science instruments that would've flown on the proposed Interstellar Probe spacecraft.
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

A video screenshot showing the Interstellar Probe departing from the Sun's heliosphere.
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Thursday, November 28, 2024

The Latest Photo from Hubble's Successor on Thanksgiving Day...

An image of the Sombrero galaxy that was taken by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.

Hats Off to NASA’s Webb: Sombrero Galaxy Dazzles in New Image (News Release - November 25)

In a new image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, a galaxy named for its resemblance to a broad-brimmed Mexican hat appears more like an archery target.

In Webb’s mid-infrared view of the Sombrero galaxy, also known as Messier 104 (M104), the signature, glowing core seen in visible-light images does not shine, and instead a smooth inner disk is revealed. The sharp resolution of Webb’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) also brings into focus details of the galaxy’s outer ring, providing insights into how the dust, an essential building block for astronomical objects in the Universe, is distributed. The galaxy’s outer ring, which appeared smooth like a blanket in imaging from NASA’s retired Spitzer Space Telescope, shows intricate clumps in the infrared for the first time.

Researchers say the clumpy nature of the dust, where MIRI detects carbon-containing molecules called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, can indicate the presence of young star-forming regions. However, unlike some galaxies studied with Webb, including Messier 82, where 10 times as many stars are born than the Milky Way galaxy, the Sombrero galaxy is not a particular hotbed for star formation. The rings of the Sombrero galaxy produce less than one solar mass of stars per year, in comparison to the Milky Way’s roughly two solar masses a year.

Even the supermassive black hole, also known as an active galactic nucleus, at the center of the Sombrero galaxy is rather docile, even at a hefty 9-billion-solar masses. It’s classified as a low-luminosity active galactic nucleus, slowly snacking on infalling material from the galaxy, while sending off a bright, relatively small, jet.

Also within the Sombrero galaxy dwell some 2,000 globular clusters, collections of hundreds of thousands of old stars held together by gravity. This type of system serves as a pseudo laboratory for astronomers to study stars — thousands of stars within one system with the same age, but varying masses and other properties is an intriguing opportunity for comparison studies.

In the MIRI image, galaxies of varying shapes and colors litter the background of space. The different colors of these background galaxies can tell astronomers about their properties, including how far away they are.

The Sombrero galaxy is around 30 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Virgo.

A Bright Future Ahead

Stunning images like this, and an array of discoveries in the study of exoplanets, galaxies through time, star formation and our own Solar System, are still just the beginning. Recently, scientists from all over the world applied for observation time with Webb during its fourth year of science operations, which begins in July 2025.

General Observer time with Webb is more competitive than ever. A record-breaking 2,377 proposals were submitted by the October 15, 2024, deadline, requesting about 78,000 hours of observation time. This is an oversubscription rate, the ratio defining the observation hours requested versus the actual time available in one year of Webb’s operations, of around 9 to 1.

The proposals cover a wide array of science topics, with distant galaxies being among the most requested observation time, followed by exoplanet atmospheres, stars and stellar populations, then exoplanet systems.

The Space Telescope Science Institute manages the proposal and program selection process for NASA. The submissions will now be evaluated by a Telescope Allocation Committee, a group of hundreds of members of the worldwide astronomical community, on a dual-anonymous basis, with selections announced in March 2025.

While time on Webb is limited, data from all of Webb’s programs is publicly archived, immediately after it’s taken, or after a time of exclusive access, in the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) so that it can be used by anyone in the world.

Source: NASA.Gov


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

SpaceX Will Launch America's Next Saturn-bound Robotic Explorer in July 2028...

An artist's concept of NASA's Dragonfly rotorcraft resting on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan.
NASA / Johns Hopkins APL / Steve Gribben

NASA Awards Launch Services Contract for Dragonfly Mission (News Release - November 25)

NASA has selected SpaceX to provide launch services for the Dragonfly mission, a rotorcraft lander mission under NASA’s New Frontiers Program, designed to explore Saturn’s moon Titan. The mission will sample materials and determine surface composition in different geologic settings, advancing our search for the building blocks of life.

The firm-fixed-price contract has a value of approximately $256.6 million, which includes launch services and other mission-related costs. The Dragonfly mission currently has a targeted launch period from July 5, 2028, to July 25, 2028, on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Dragonfly centers on a novel approach to planetary exploration, employing a rotorcraft-lander to travel between and sample diverse sites on Saturn’s largest moon. With contributions from partners around the globe, Dragonfly’s scientific payload will characterize the habitability of Titan’s environment, investigate the progression of prebiotic chemistry on Titan, where carbon-rich material and liquid water may have mixed for an extended period, and search for chemical indications of whether water-based or hydrocarbon-based life once existed on Saturn’s moon.

NASA’s Launch Services Program at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center is responsible for managing the launch service. Managed for NASA at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, the Dragonfly team comprises of scientists, engineers, technologists, managers and more who have deep experience on missions that have explored the Solar System from the Sun to Pluto and beyond, as well as experts in rotorcraft, autonomous flight and space systems from around the globe. Dragonfly is the fourth mission in NASA’s New Frontiers Program, managed by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

Source: NASA.Gov


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A Lunar Lander Will Soon Be Shipped to Florida for its January Liftoff from Cape Canaveral...

An image of the flight-ready Blue Ghost lunar lander at Firefly Aerospace's manufacturing facility in Cedar Park, Texas.
Firefly Aerospace

Firefly Aerospace Blue Ghost Mission 1 to the Moon Readies for Launch (Press Release - November 25)

Cedar Park, Texas – Firefly Aerospace, the leader in end-to-end responsive space services, today announced that it successfully completed environmental testing on Firefly’s Blue Ghost lunar lander ahead of its first mission to the Moon supporting NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative. Firefly is now preparing to ship the lander to Cape Canaveral, Florida, in mid-December for launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket during a six-day window that opens no earlier than mid-January 2025.

“Blue Ghost aced environmental testing and proved the lander is performing 100% as expected, which is a testament to the incredible Firefly team,” said Jason Kim, CEO at Firefly Aerospace. “This team has gone above and beyond with innovative testing approaches to ensure Blue Ghost is flight-ready. While we know there will be more challenges ahead, I’m confident this team has what it takes to softly touch down on the lunar surface and nail this mission.”

Blue Ghost environmental testing was recently completed at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in mid-October. During testing, the most extreme temperatures that the lander will see during transit and on the Moon’s surface were replicated in a thermal vacuum chamber. Equipped with a solar simulator, JPL’s chamber enabled comprehensive functional and behavioral testing in a flight-like environment.

The testing also included vibration, acoustic, electromagnetic interference and compatibility tests to further verify that the integrated lander can withstand each flight environment during launch, transit and landing on the Moon.

“With additional time in our schedule, we shipped Blue Ghost back to Firefly’s spacecraft facility in north Austin, Texas, where it has remained until we received the 'go' to ship to the Cape,” said Jana Spruce, Vice President of Spacecraft at Firefly Aerospace. “In the meantime, the Firefly team has utilized this extra time to further conduct mission simulations and prep the team as we get ready to begin our first of many road trips to the Moon.”

Following launch and vehicle separation, Blue Ghost will begin its approximately 45-day transit to the Moon, allowing ample time to conduct robust health checks and begin payload operations on orbit. Blue Ghost will then land in Mare Crisium and operate payloads for a full lunar day (14 Earth days). As part of NASA’s CLPS initiative, the 10 payloads will perform numerous science and technology demonstrations, including lunar subsurface drilling, sample collection and dust mitigation to advance research for future human missions on the Moon.

Additional demonstrations, including X-ray imaging of Earth’s magnetic field, will also benefit humans on Earth, providing insights into how space weather impacts the planet.

Once payload operations are complete, Blue Ghost will capture the lunar sunset and provide critical data on how lunar regolith reacts to solar influences during lunar dusk conditions. Blue Ghost will then operate for several hours into the lunar night.

Blue Ghost Mission 1, named Ghost Riders in the Sky, is the first of three Firefly task orders supporting the NASA CLPS initiative as part of NASA’s Artemis campaign that serves to unlock the commercial lunar economy and enable a lasting lunar presence. The approximately 60-day mission will be operated from Firefly’s Mission Operations Center in Cedar Park, Texas. For more details on Ghost Riders in the Sky, visit https://fireflyspace.com/missions/blue-ghost-mission-1/.

Source: Firefly Aerospace


Monday, November 25, 2024

The Latest Update on America's Newest Jupiter-bound Orbiter...

An artist's concept of NASA's Europa Clipper orbiter flying above Jupiter.

NASA’s Europa Clipper: Millions of Miles Down, Instruments Deploying (News Release)

Headed to Jupiter’s moon Europa, the spacecraft is operating without a hitch and will reach Mars in just three months for a gravity assist.

NASA’s Europa Clipper, which launched October 14 on a journey to Jupiter’s moon Europa, is already 13 million miles (20 million kilometers) from Earth. Two science instruments have deployed hardware that will remain at attention, extending out from the spacecraft, for the next decade — through the cruise to Jupiter and the entire prime mission.

A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launched it away from Earth’s gravity, and now the spacecraft is zooming along at 22 miles per second (35 kilometers per second) relative to the Sun.

Europa Clipper is the largest spacecraft that NASA has ever developed for a planetary mission. It will travel 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion kilometers) to arrive at Jupiter in 2030; and in 2031 will begin a series of 49 flybys, using a suite of instruments to gather data that will tell scientists if the icy moon and its internal ocean have the conditions needed to harbor life.

For now, the information that mission teams are receiving from the spacecraft is strictly engineering data (the science will come later), telling them how the hardware is operating. Things are looking good.

The team has a checklist of actions that the spacecraft needs to take as it travels deeper into space. Here’s a peek:

Boom Times

Shortly after launch, the spacecraft deployed its massive solar arrays, which extend the length of a basketball court. Next on the list was the magnetometer’s boom, which uncoiled from a canister mounted on the spacecraft body, extending a full 28 feet (8.5 meters).

To confirm that all went well with the boom deployment, the team relied on data from the magnetometer’s three sensors. Once the spacecraft is at Jupiter, these sensors will measure the magnetic field around Europa, both confirming the presence of the ocean thought to be under the moon’s icy crust and telling scientists about its depth and salinity.

On the Radar

After the magnetometer, the spacecraft deployed several antennas for the radar instrument. Now extending crosswise from the solar arrays, the four high-frequency antennas form what look like two long poles, each measuring 57.7 feet (17.6 meters) long. Eight rectangular very-high-frequency antennas, each 9 feet (2.76 meters) long, were also deployed — two on the two solar arrays.

“It’s an exciting time on the spacecraft, getting these key deployments done,” said Europa Clipper project manager Jordan Evans of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “Most of what the team is focusing on now is understanding the small, interesting things in the data that help them understand the behavior of the spacecraft on a deeper level. That’s really good to see.”

Instrument Checkout

The remaining seven instruments will be powered on and off through December and January so that engineers can check their health. Several instruments, including the visible imager and the gas and dust mass spectrometers, will keep their protective covers closed for the next three or so years to guard against potential damage from the Sun during Europa Clipper’s time in the inner Solar System.


Once all the instruments and engineering subsystems have been checked out, mission teams will shift their focus to Mars. On March 1, 2025, Europa Clipper will reach Mars’ orbit and begin to loop around the Red Planet, using the planet’s gravity to gain speed. (This effect is similar to how a ball thrown at a moving train will bounce off the train in another direction at a higher speed.) Mission navigators have already completed one trajectory correction maneuver, as planned, to get the spacecraft on the precise course.

At Mars, scientists plan to turn on the spacecraft’s thermal imager to capture multicolored images of Mars as a test operation. They also plan to collect data with the radar instrument so that engineers can be sure it’s operating as expected.

The spacecraft will perform another gravity assist in December 2026, swooping by Earth before making the remainder of the long journey to the Jupiter system. At that time, the magnetometer will measure Earth’s magnetic field, calibrating the instrument.

Source: NASA.Gov


Monday, November 11, 2024

The Latest Update on the 'Bulls-Eye Planet'...

An image of Uranus that was taken by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft...on January 17, 1986.

Mining Old Data From NASA’s Voyager 2 Solves Several Uranus Mysteries (News Release)

NASA’s Voyager 2 flyby of Uranus decades ago shaped scientists’ understanding of the planet but also introduced unexplained oddities. A recent data dive has offered answers.

When NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft flew by Uranus in 1986, it provided scientists’ first — and, so far, only — close glimpse of this strange, sideways-rotating outer planet. Alongside the discovery of new moons and rings, baffling new mysteries confronted scientists. The energized particles around the planet defied their understanding of how magnetic fields work to trap particle radiation, and Uranus earned a reputation as an outlier in our Solar System.

Now, new research analyzing the data collected during that flyby 38 years ago has found that the source of that particular mystery is a cosmic coincidence: It turns out that in the days just before Voyager 2’s flyby, the planet had been affected by an unusual kind of space weather that squashed the planet’s magnetic field, dramatically compressing Uranus’ magnetosphere.

“If Voyager 2 had arrived just a few days earlier, it would have observed a completely different magnetosphere at Uranus,” said Jamie Jasinski of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California and lead author of the new work published in Nature Astronomy. “The spacecraft saw Uranus in conditions that only occur about 4% of the time.”

Magnetospheres serve as protective bubbles around planets (including Earth) with magnetic cores and magnetic fields, shielding them from jets of ionized gas — or plasma — that stream out from the Sun in the solar wind. Learning more about how magnetospheres work is important for understanding our own planet, as well as those in seldom-visited corners of our Solar System and beyond.

That’s why scientists were eager to study Uranus’ magnetosphere, and what they saw in the Voyager 2 data in 1986 flummoxed them. Inside the planet’s magnetosphere were electron radiation belts with an intensity second only to Jupiter’s notoriously brutal radiation belts. But there was apparently no source of energized particles to feed those active belts; in fact, the rest of Uranus’ magnetosphere was almost devoid of plasma.

The missing plasma also puzzled scientists because they knew that the five major Uranian moons in the magnetic bubble should have produced water ions, as icy moons around other outer planets do. They concluded that the moons must be inert with no ongoing activity.

Solving the Mystery

So why was no plasma observed, and what was happening to beef up the radiation belts? The new data analysis points to the solar wind. When plasma from the Sun pounded and compressed the magnetosphere, it likely drove plasma out of the system.

The solar wind event would have also briefly intensified the dynamics of the magnetosphere, which would have fed the belts by injecting electrons into them.

The findings could be good news for those five major moons of Uranus: Some of them might be geologically active after all. With an explanation for the temporarily missing plasma, researchers say it’s plausible that the moons may have actually been spewing ions into the surrounding bubble all along.

Planetary scientists are focusing on bolstering their knowledge about the mysterious Uranus system, which the National Academies’ 2023 Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey prioritized as a target for a future NASA mission.

JPL’s Linda Spilker was among the Voyager 2 mission scientists glued to the images and other data that flowed in during the Uranus flyby in 1986. She remembers the anticipation and excitement of the event, which changed how scientists thought about the Uranian system.

“The flyby was packed with surprises, and we were searching for an explanation of its unusual behavior. The magnetosphere Voyager 2 measured was only a snapshot in time,” said Spilker, who has returned to the iconic mission to lead its science team as project scientist. “This new work explains some of the apparent contradictions, and it will change our view of Uranus once again.”

Voyager 2, now in interstellar space, is almost 13 billion miles (21 billion kilometers) from Earth.

Source: Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Two art concepts showing how Uranus' magnetosphere behaved before and during Voyager 2's flyby of the ice giant in January of 1986.
NASA / JPL - Caltech

Friday, November 08, 2024

The Latest Update on SOLAR PROBE PLUS...

An artist's concept of NASA's Parker Solar Probe flying past the planet Venus.
NASA / Johns Hopkins APL / Steve Gribben

NASA’s Sun-Bound Parker Solar Probe Swings Through Final Venus Flyby (News Release)

Gravity-Assist Maneuver Sets Up Record Close Approach to Our Star

On November 6, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe completed its seventh and final Venus gravity-assist maneuver, passing within 240 miles (about 387 kilometers) of Venus’ surface. The flyby adjusted Parker’s trajectory into the final orbital configuration of its primary mission, bringing the spacecraft to within an unprecedented 3.8 million miles of the solar surface on December 24, 2024.

Monitoring the maneuver through NASA’s Deep Space Network, the mission operations team at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland — where Parker Solar Probe was designed and built — confirmed that Parker was operating normally as it reached closest approach to Venus at 1:43 p.m. EST, flew precisely through its planned “aim point” and then began its swing in toward the Sun.

“We’re reaching the crescendo of Parker’s incredible voyage through the inner Solar System,” said Yanping Guo, Parker Solar Probe mission design and navigation manager in APL’s Space Exploration Sector. “More than six years after launch, this incredible spacecraft continues to exceed all expectations, and we can’t wait to see what Parker uncovers on its closest approaches to the Sun.”

Parker is now on course to reach the final objective of a historic mission conceived over 65 years ago: flying within 3.8 million miles (around 6.1 million kilometers) of the surface of the Sun. No human-made object has ever passed this close to a star, so Parker will be returning data from uncharted territory. As Parker passes through the Sun’s atmosphere, it will cut through plumes of plasma still connected to the Sun.

It will be close enough to pass inside a solar eruption, like a surfer diving under a crashing ocean wave.

“This is the vision generations of scientists have dreamed of realizing since 1958,” said Nour Rawafi, the Parker Solar Probe project scientist at APL.

During its Christmas Eve closest approach, or perihelion, mission control will be out of contact with the spacecraft, although Parker will transmit beacon tones on December 21 and December 27 to confirm its health. The spacecraft will remain in this orbit for the remainder of its primary mission, completing two more perihelia at about the same distance and speed — a record 430,000 miles (692,018 kilometers) per hour — in March and June 2025. After that, the team will decide whether to keep the spacecraft in that orbit or reposition it.

New Science

Early mission plans didn’t include any planetary science at Venus. But that changed shortly after launch in 2018, and Parker’s better-than-expected performance allowed the team to adjust its observational programs.

One reason why Parker’s Venus flybys have become boons for new science is a chance discovery from the spacecraft’s Wide-Field Imager for Parker Solar Probe, called WISPR. The instrument peers out from Parker and away from the Sun to see fine details in the solar wind. But on July 11, 2020, during Parker’s third Venus flyby, scientists turned WISPR toward Venus in hopes of tracking changes in the planet’s thick cloud cover. The images revealed a surprise: WISPR, which captures visible and near infrared light, seemed to see the Venusian surface.

“The WISPR cameras can see through the clouds to the surface of Venus, which glows in the near-infrared because it’s so hot,” said APL planetary scientist Noam Izenberg.

Venus, sizzling at approximately 869° Fahrenheit (about 465° Celsius), was radiating through the clouds.

The WISPR images from the 2020 flyby, as well as the next flyby in 2021, revealed Venus’ surface in a new light. But they also raised puzzling questions, and scientists devised the final flyby to help answer them.

The Venus images correlate well with data from the Magellan spacecraft, showing dark and light patterns that line up with surface regions that Magellan captured when it mapped Venus’ surface using radar from 1990 to 1994. Yet some parts of the WISPR images appear brighter than expected, hinting at extra information captured by WISPR.

Is WISPR picking up on chemical differences on the surface, where the ground is made of different material? Perhaps it’s seeing variations in age, where more recent lava flows added a fresh coat to the Venusian surface.

“Because it flies over a number of similar and different landforms compared to the previous Venus flybys, the November 6 flyby will give us more context to evaluate whether WISPR can help us distinguish physical or even chemical properties of Venus’ surface,” Izenberg said.

Rawafi said that imaging was just part of the flyby’s science agenda. Shaped under Rawafi’s direction for more than a year, the comprehensive plan also included a look at the different components of Venus’ exosphere and their interactions with the Sun. The Parker team expects to begin receiving the first bits of that data later this month, he added, with plans to present some of its findings at the American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting the week of December 9 to 13.

“The science data we’ve gathered over these seven Venus flybys is a real tribute to Parker’s versatility, and have enabled new avenues for research on Venus,” Rawafi said. “The seventh Venus flyby, however, was especially unique, in that spacecraft flew through the planet’s nightside and plunged deep into its atmosphere. We’re anticipating some exciting surprises when the data comes down.”

Source: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory


An image of Venus that was taken by the WISPR instrument aboard NASA's Parker Solar Probe...on July 11, 2020.
NASA / Johns Hopkins APL / Naval Research Laboratory / Guillermo Stenborg and Brendan Gallagher

Thursday, November 07, 2024

America's Newest X-Plane Moves a Step Closer to Becoming Airborne Early Next Year...

NASA's X-59 QueSST aircraft sits inside its run stall at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in Palmdale, California...firing up its engine for the first time.
NASA / Carla Thomas

X-59 Fires Up its Engine for First Time on its Way to Takeoff (News Release - November 6)

NASA’s QueSST mission marked a major milestone with the start of tests on the engine that will power the quiet supersonic X-59 experimental aircraft.

These engine-run tests, which began on October 30, allow the X-59 team to verify that the aircraft’s systems are working together while powered by its own engine. In previous tests, the X-59 used external sources for power. The engine-run tests set the stage for the next phase of the experimental aircraft’s progress towards flight.

The X-59 team is conducting the engine-run tests in phases. In this first phase, the engine rotated at a relatively low speed without ignition to check for leaks and ensure all systems are communicating properly. The team then fueled the aircraft and began testing the engine at low power, with the goal of verifying that it and other aircraft systems operate without anomalies or leaks while on engine power.

“The first phase of the engine tests was really a warmup to make sure that everything looked good prior to running the engine,” said Jay Brandon, NASA’s X-59 chief engineer. “Then we moved to the actual first engine start. That took the engine out of the preservation mode that it had been in since installation on the aircraft. It was the first check to see that it was operating properly and that all the systems it impacted – hydraulics, electrical system, environmental control systems, etc. – seemed to be working.”

The X-59 will generate a quieter thump rather than a loud boom while flying faster than the speed of sound. The aircraft is the centerpiece of NASA’s QueSST mission, which will gather data on how people perceive these thumps, providing regulators with information that could help lift current bans on commercial supersonic flight over land.

The engine, a modified F414-GE-100, packs 22,000 pounds of thrust, which will enable the X-59 to achieve the desired cruising speed of Mach 1.4 (925 miles per hour) at an altitude of approximately 55,000 feet. It sits in a nontraditional spot – atop the aircraft — to aid in making the X-59 quieter.

Engine runs are part of a series of integrated ground tests needed to ensure safe flight and successful achievement of mission goals. Because of the challenges involved with reaching this critical phase of testing, the X-59’s first flight is now expected in early 2025. The team will continue progressing through critical ground tests and address any technical issues discovered with this one-of-a-kind, experimental aircraft.

The X-59 team will have a more specific first flight date as these tests are successfully completed.

The testing is taking place at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility in Palmdale, California. During later phases, the team will test the aircraft at high power with rapid throttle changes, followed by simulating the conditions of an actual flight.

“The success of these runs will be the start of the culmination of the last eight years of my career,” said Paul Dees, NASA’s deputy propulsion lead for the X-59. “This isn’t the end of the excitement but a small steppingstone to the beginning. It’s like the first note of a symphony, where years of teamwork behind the scenes are now being put to the test to prove our efforts have been effective, and the notes will continue to play a harmonious song to flight.”

After the engine runs, the X-59 team will move to aluminum bird testing, where data will be fed to the aircraft under both normal and failure conditions. The team will then proceed with a series of taxi tests, where the aircraft will be put in motion on the ground. These tests will be followed by final preparations for first flight.

Source: NASA.Gov


NASA's X-59 QueSST aircraft sits inside its run stall at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in Palmdale, California...firing up its engine for the first time.
NASA / Carla Thomas