Earlier today, I went back to the Landmark Theatres in west Los Angeles to watch an episode of Judd Apatow's Netflix comedy Love. Three of the main cast members—Paul Rust, Gillian Jacobs and Claudia O'Doherty—were on-hand to speak about Season 1 of the show, and of course, answer audience questions afterwards. The episode that was shown was actually my favorite from last season. Won't type a full plot synopsis here, but it's about Gus Cruikshank (Rust) intentionally bombing a dinner date that he and Bertie (O'Doherty) were on after Gus accidentally receives a not-so-flattering text from Bertie (who rushed to a restroom at the restaurant just to type it) that she intended to send to her roommate Mickey Dobbs (Jacobs) instead. (What was that text about? Gus isn't "second-date" material.) Hilarity ensues...with Gus and Bertie discussing non-first-date-worthy topics ranging from climate change being a corporate invention and Santa Claus being created by Coca-Cola, to Bertie making a blunt declaration that she has no interest in going out with "blacks, Hispanics and Asians" through the dating app Tinder. Oh, and she's a 9/11 "truther." Mickey, meanwhile, is at home rearranging the furniture to take her mind off of her alcohol addiction while simultaneously (and enjoyably) texting Gus and Bertie about how horribly their date is going.

Lots of interesting tidbits came from the Q&A after the screening, such as Gus' last name unwittingly being taken from a cat in Harry Potter (it's spelled 'Crookshank' in J.K. Rowling's novels instead of Cruikshank), and that working on Love was Gillian Jacobs' first time in many years that she filmed out on location. (Her previous show, the NBC/Yahoo Screen comedy Community, was mostly filmed inside a soundstage at Paramount Studios in Hollywood.) Claudia O'Doherty first worked with Judd Apatow on the Amy Schumer flick Trainwreck, and spent time before that acting in British TV shows such as BBC Comedy Feeds. (Actually, I IMDb'ed that last part... All that O'Doherty mentioned was that she worked in London before landing roles on American TV shows and movies.) Oh, and Rust thinks that Jacobs is such a fantastic actress that he was even mesmerized by the way she texted on her phone during tonight's episode. Gillian was amused that her thumbs are so awesome.

All-in-all, I can't wait till Season 2 of Love premieres early next year. I'm looking forward to seeing where Gus and Mickey's relationship goes after the Season 1 finale, and what will be the next raunchy thing Bertie says through her innocent smile and pleasant demeanor. Bertie is literally the sweetest character on the show, and yet the things she says in a nonchalant manner would make one think if Bertie has a sex tape that was filmed in Australia floating somewhere on the Web. Focus group moderator by day, fluffer by night. I'll leave it at that. The amazing Milana Vayntrub played Gus' evil girlfriend Natalie in Season 1's first two episodes... We'll see if Natalie makes an appearance next year! [Milana was doing a stand-up comedy gig at the Hollywood Improv around the time the screening was held (she mentioned it on Twitter), in case you were wondering.] Carry on.

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