Thursday, June 13, 2019

Just Some Random Political News for Today...

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the 'Baghdad Bob' of the Trump regime. Google that name if you're unfamiliar with it.

So it was announced earlier today that Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be resigning from her job as White House Press Secretary by the end of this month. On one hand, good riddance! On the other hand, it's unfortunate...since I will no longer be able to use the meme above on any of my posts on Twitter starting in July. Farewell, Sanders— You will forever be known by smart, non-MAGA folks as the 'Baghdad Bob' of the Trump regime. Google that name if you're unfamiliar with it.

Oh, and in other news, the bombing of those two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman today is nothing more than a false flag. Google 'Gulf of Tonkin' to know why. Also, Trump lied in the tweet below about the length of time that Sarah Sanders served in the White House. The Dotard has been in the Oval Office for a little over two years (unfortunately), so how can the woman whose brother murders dogs serve in the White House for 3 1/2 years as mentioned below? Unless, of course, Trump was also including the time that Sanders spent on his presidential campaign in 2016. Is this another "The Moon is part of Mars" Twitter flub by the stable genius? Google that term if you don't know what I'm talking about. That is all.

EDIT (9:39 PM, PDT): The Toronto Raptors are the 2019 NBA Champions! No Kevin Durant, no Klay Thompson (towards the end of tonight's game)... Keep your heads up, Warriors.

Now head to the Lakers, Kawhi Leonard! Fat chance.

The Toronto Raptors are the 2019 NBA Champions!

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