Monday, January 29, 2001
Yesterday, I came back from Utah after attending the Sundance Film Festival. It was pretty interesting...besides watching my sister's film The Flip Side, I also watched a New Zealand short film called Moko as well as a Japanese gangster film called Brother (which had Omar Epps and Tatyana Ali in it). Brother was actually pretty funny in a gross / sadistic kind of way...considering just how tongue-in-cheek the filmmakers depicted guys getting shot in the head, their fingers being sliced off and other neat / disturbing stuff.

The one bad thing about Utah is that it's not the place to be when you're sick...especially during the winter. Considering the fact I arrived in Salt Lake City with a headache, walking in 40-degree weather during the day and 20-degree weather at night is not really a prudent thing to do. As of this typing, I'm still coughing, darn it!
Anyways, as for the celebrities that attended Sundance, I saw actor Forrest Whittaker...who was at the hotel where my sister's film was being shown. In case you people don't know who Forrest Whittaker is, he was in Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai and, um, Battlefield Earth. Not exactly the same as running into Sean Connery or Al Pacino...but it'll do.
The one bad thing about Utah is that it's not the place to be when you're sick...especially during the winter. Considering the fact I arrived in Salt Lake City with a headache, walking in 40-degree weather during the day and 20-degree weather at night is not really a prudent thing to do. As of this typing, I'm still coughing, darn it!
Anyways, as for the celebrities that attended Sundance, I saw actor Forrest Whittaker...who was at the hotel where my sister's film was being shown. In case you people don't know who Forrest Whittaker is, he was in Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai and, um, Battlefield Earth. Not exactly the same as running into Sean Connery or Al Pacino...but it'll do.
Tuesday, January 23, 2001
I'm a day late in mentioning this, but congratulations to director Ridley Scott for Gladiator nabbing the Best Motion Picture Drama award (as well as the award for Best Original Music Score) during the 58th Annual Golden Globe awards.
Now let's see how the Roman epic fares in the Academy Awards two months from now...
Academy Awards
Tuesday, January 16, 2001
Dang, I haven't updated my Blog in a LONG TIME!!! Anyways, this winter break has been interesting... Yesterday, I went to a Laker game at STAPLES Center with one of my friends. L.A. beat the Vancouver Grizzlies, 113-112, even though the Lake Show really didn't deserve the win because Shaq didn't get a basket off before the buzzer sounded to end overtime. Oh well... My team won, so I ain't complaining.

Also, I watched the Kevin Costner film Thirteen Days twice in the past two weeks. It's pretty good...but the million dollar question is how many things in the movie are accurate in terms of depicting the Cuban Missile Crisis. Anyways...
It's pretty inevitable that it will probably come to an end during the next semester, but I still keep in contact with what's-her-name through e-mails. She apparently checks her e-mail on Mondays, so I don't send my e-mail till the Sunday night before...the reason being so I'll only have a sleep's worth of worrying to do in terms of wondering if she'll reply to my next one.
Also, I watched the Kevin Costner film Thirteen Days twice in the past two weeks. It's pretty good...but the million dollar question is how many things in the movie are accurate in terms of depicting the Cuban Missile Crisis. Anyways...
It's pretty inevitable that it will probably come to an end during the next semester, but I still keep in contact with what's-her-name through e-mails. She apparently checks her e-mail on Mondays, so I don't send my e-mail till the Sunday night before...the reason being so I'll only have a sleep's worth of worrying to do in terms of wondering if she'll reply to my next one.
Tuesday, January 02, 2001
Remember that scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom where that guy gets his heart ripped out during that cult ceremony? That's how I feel like right now...after I found out that the girl I liked in my Geology 104 class has a boyfriend. Just before I wrote this entry, she e-mailed (apparently, she only e-mails once a week...and mainly on Tuesdays)...talking about how she got $50 for Christmas just like me, how she was sore from snowboarding (and probably doing something else, not that I'm talkin' trash or anything) on New Year's Eve and how she spent time with her boyfriend and his family playing Scrabble and having barbeques...both also on New Year's Eve.
Arrrrggghhhh!!!! The pain! The sorrow! Okay, I'm exaggerating...but it sure was a kick in the @$$ after I finally found out she was taken. If I wasn't too busy making this entry sound good, I'd probably be even more miserable. J/k! Actually, I would. Anyways, I think I'll end this entry here. I'm gonna go off to shoot myself now. J/k again!! There's always Francine Dee...
UPDATE Since I'm still wallowing in self-pity, I think I'll reflect more on the tragic (okay, tragic is TOO strong a word...let's change it to devastating) news that I've just learned yesterday. DISCLAIMER: I'm about to sound obsessive...or infatuated--whichever lousy label you want to put on me.
First of all, I wonder how long she's been with her boyfriend? The first time I saw her at the start of last semester, she was on her cell phone when she came into my Geology lab class. She put her backpack down, then went outside to talk in the hallway. Obviously, she doesn't need privacy if it's just one of her female friends she was talking to.
Of course, I've just strayed off the subject here...and that was how long was she with her boyfriend?
Second of all, how is her relationship with her boyfriend? This is where that obsessive label REALLY comes along... but I'm just curious, people. Is it just a hug-and-kiss relationship, or is it something more? In today's world of playaz & hoochies, I'm afraid to say that it's probably more. You know... like them sleeping together once, showering together once, her losing her virginity to that scumbag or them pulling off something that you would see in the home videos by Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee. If that was the case, her and her boyfriend would really suck... no pun intended.
Third of all, how does her boyfriend look? Is he taller than me? More cut than me (okay, scratch that fool cut, period? When was the last time I worked out? Err, never? Just kidding)? Does he actually look like a FOB (fresh-off-the-boat for all you non-Asian homeboys and homegirls)? Is the guy even Asian? With my shaved head, sorry excuse for a goatee and I look more thuggish than him? I wonder.
I bet he doesn't have my uncanny knack for talking trash about one's own self.
Even if I may, um, look more handsome than that guy (like I'll ever know), there's one thing / person he has that makes him better than me...he has that girl. Eh, SCREW IT...he has Denise. Bastard!
PS: Now I know I DEFINITELY can't show my website to her.
Monday, January 01, 2001
HAPPY NEW MILLENNIUM!!! I just wanted to wish all of you people a safe and happy new year... So, we're officially in the 21st century now, huh? Wow, pretty amazing. It's too bad we have no astronauts orbiting near Jupiter with some intelligent computer named HAL harassing them...unlike in a certain landmark film created by the late / great Stanley Kubrick. Oh well...

By the way, I think it's gonna be a while before I taste champagne again. Taking a sip of this thing brought back memories of my infamous Tequila episode back in the Spring 1999 semester at CSULB. It's early morning on May 21, the night before my last final (which was an exam for Art 100, which I fortunately was passing with an A)...I just came back from watching Star Wars: Episode 1--The Phantom Menace for the first time at a nearby theater... and one of my friends at my dorm persuaded me to take 4 shots of the beverage (I forgot what that piece of crap was called) before my dorm life came to an end. Yeah, that oughta help me maintain the A I had in my Art class at that time. Try taken an exam after you barfed 2-3 times on your way to the classroom. Fortunately, I still ended up with a final grade of B in the subject. Tightness.

The million dollar question, however, is how I managed to change the subject of this post from welcoming the New Year to taking shots of some nasty-@$$ alcoholic beverage a little more than 1 1/2 years ago.
By the way, I think it's gonna be a while before I taste champagne again. Taking a sip of this thing brought back memories of my infamous Tequila episode back in the Spring 1999 semester at CSULB. It's early morning on May 21, the night before my last final (which was an exam for Art 100, which I fortunately was passing with an A)...I just came back from watching Star Wars: Episode 1--The Phantom Menace for the first time at a nearby theater... and one of my friends at my dorm persuaded me to take 4 shots of the beverage (I forgot what that piece of crap was called) before my dorm life came to an end. Yeah, that oughta help me maintain the A I had in my Art class at that time. Try taken an exam after you barfed 2-3 times on your way to the classroom. Fortunately, I still ended up with a final grade of B in the subject. Tightness.
The million dollar question, however, is how I managed to change the subject of this post from welcoming the New Year to taking shots of some nasty-@$$ alcoholic beverage a little more than 1 1/2 years ago.
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