Friday, February 21, 2014

Best Question of the Week...

"Are you her husband?" Yep, this is the inquiry that was asked of me when I worked with Nancy again yesterday. Thursday marked the second gig we worked together this year (the first gig just might be mentioned in the next entry), and as usual, Nancy and I got along really well (even though the day hit some rough spots when she constantly had to walk away because she kept getting phone calls...or our conversation was interrupted by a meddling co-worker who went out of her way to sit with us). So well, in fact, that the reason why Nancy and I worked together last night in the first place was because she wanted us to.

On Wednesday, Nancy and I had a nice little text conversation that started off with me telling her about a job assignment that starts next week and continues through early March. The conversation then went on to me finding out that she was currently taking classes at a college in Orange County (California), and then shifted to her asking me if I was working the following day (yesterday). Nancy said that she already submitted for the gig that we ended up working yesterday, while I told her I had the day off since I wasn't scheduled for anything (I use a booking service for my job), and that I was available to work today—err, Friday. Nancy then texted back with "Oh OK, I thought maybe we can try to book the same thing lol." And with that, I promptly called the agency that booked Thursday's assignment to submit myself as well. About an hour later, I was officially in position to see Nancy's beautiful face at work the next day.

It was about half an hour after I checked in at work on Thursday that Nancy showed up to say hi to me. She had a different call time from mine (Nancy arrived at 9:00 AM, I arrived at 11:30 AM), but it was clearly obvious that Nancy waited for me to show up since she was the only person from the 9 AM group to head back to the holding area where I was at. (We knew each other's call time through a taped message that we had to listen to on Wednesday night for our work details.) Nancy and I hugged and then sat next to each other, as usual, and the day continued with us talking about such things as a 5K run that she was planning to attend in Orange County this weekend...and whether or not she should drop one of her classes because the teacher was a shady douche. As mentioned in the first paragraph, our encounter hit rough spots when she had to walk out of the room (during lunch) to take a phone call by a college classmate to discuss whether or not she should drop the aforementioned course, and some lady who Nancy knew quickly wore out her welcome (at least with me) when she lingered at our spot for far too long after saying hi. Apart from this, the day was about to conclude on a memorable note. Time to get to the good part...

As the day was about to come to an end, Nancy and the rest of her 9 AM group were among the first people to finish work early. Nancy muttered "s**t" to herself after the supervisor entered the room to announce that her group could go home...which you think would be weird since Nancy was usually eager to head back to her car as soon as our assignments were finished. But seeing as how it was Nancy who was responsible for us making arrangements to be co-workers for the day, it's safe to say that she didn't want to leave if I had to stay behind. Nancy took time in packing her things before we parted ways, which would lead to another co-worker who Nancy knew walking up to us to ask the question that is proudly stated at the opening of this Blog entry.

Nancy was about to bid farewell to me when some African American guy walked up to us to say hi. Right before awkwardly asking Nancy if they could take a photo together since they "might not see each other again" (to paraphrase that dude), which Nancy promptly said no to, the guy turned to me and asked if I was her husband. Nancy and I both started to laugh...but in a good way. For those of you who watch the hit CBS TV show The Big Bang Theory, this moment was akin to a Season 1 episode (titled "The Luminous Fish Effect") where Sheldon Cooper's mom, Mary, visits him at his apartment in Pasadena, California. In one living room scene, Leonard and Penny are sitting nearby when Mary—who was chatting with Howard and Raj (Sheldon was holed up in his bedroom)—turns to Leonard and Penny and mentions that they look like a cute couple. Leonard and Penny laugh as they turn to look at each other...trying in vain to maintain that they're just neighbors. (I myself commented to that guy that Nancy and I were just "background buddies.") Mary then turns to Howard and asks him if she struck a chord with Sheldon's roommate and their beautiful next-door neighbor, to which Howard quickly responds with "Oh yea." This is how the moment definitely played out when I was asked that question.

Despite the fact that Nancy didn't really like that guy—since he's obese, apparently had bad B.O. and was annoying—I had to give him props for asking me if I was Nancy's spouse. (FYI, Nancy is actually engaged to another man...but let's overlook that as this entry would then completely make me look like a friggin' homewrecker.) This was the first time that an outside observer actually pointed out to Nancy and me that we could be a couple...which explains why everyone else at work (except people we know such as this dude and that annoying lady mentioned earlier) tended to leave us alone when we're together. Clearly, Nancy wasn't repulsed by the idea of me being her spouse...since she's the one from the very beginning of our friendship who was a bit more flirtatious than I was and would say things that kind of implied that she was sizing me up to see if I was marriage material. Nancy also showed that she wasn't taken aback at that question by having me walk with her out of the holding area so we could be alone before she gave me an emphatic hug. (Nancy didn't want that other guy to make up for his inability to get a photo with her by trying to embrace her as well.) Nancy then walked to the parking lot as I went back to the holding area—in a pretty good mood since today's encounter concluded on such a high note.

What I want to know is, how much did Nancy think about that question while she was driving home? Was she still moved by it? Or did she forget about that question the minute she entered her car and left? If not—did Nancy think about it this morning? As mentioned earlier in this entry, it was she who took the initiative to have us see each other in person (in fact, Wednesday's phone conversation was the first time Nancy and I used text messages to arrange to hang out together...even though it was hanging out at work and not on a date). So it's definitely not hard to believe that whatever compels Nancy to want to be around me was reinforced by an outsider's comment that we could one day be an item. And when the day comes that I have the financial resources to afford it, Nancy will have a nice diamond-studded engagement ring on her finger that I gave to her. One can only dream, right?

Leonard and Penny turn to look at each other after Mary Cooper (visible near the left of frame) tells them that they make a cute couple in THE BIG BANG THEORY.

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