Thursday, December 13, 2001

Three finals down, one more to go. Actually, one final down, one more to go...since two of my other classes were taught by the same teacher (the bastard who gave me a low grade on the term paper) and he's too damn lazy to type up exams for Audio Operations and Film History. I was supposed to have an exam for Film History last night, but that one was called off (meaning I was studying at school the whole day for nothing). And I was suppose to have an exam for my Audio class at 12:30 PM on Monday, and that one was called off. Meaning the only class I had a final in so far was my Critical Study of Film course. And that one was kinda hard...the test was nothing but ESSAYS. Anyways, about my last exam, it starts at 8 AM tomorrow...meaning I have to wake up, like 5:30 to get dressed up and stuff. Not that tomorrow is the last time I'm going to Long Beach before the start of next Semester in late January--I have to go to school on Monday before 5 PM to turn in my Production Management project. [sarcasm] Woohoo!! [/sarcasm]

Anyways (again), on a sentimental note: time to blab ONCE MORE about Denise!! Today marks one year since I bought her that Christmas card...oblivious to the fact she's already been spoken for. Like I said in the last entry, this memory is spoiled by her abruptly walking away when I ran into her on Monday. How time's changed. There's a REASON why Denise continues to be on my mind...and I blame one of my brothers for that. He suggested some cool item to me that he bought from Fry's Electronics in Anaheim a few weeks before the semester ended, and that tempted me to buy it so I could use it on that day of the Geology exam last year. I'm not going to tell you what it is--but let's just say that other girl Sandra already disappeared from my thoughts because I didn't use this thingamajig as a means to remember her by. And if this last sentence sounds VAGUE--it's cause I wrote it this way on purpose. (I've been good at sounding vague lately!)


On a totally different note, whoever invented pen cameras should be dragged out onto the street and shot.