Friday, December 08, 2000

Well, yesterday was my last day of regular class for the Fall 2000 semester at CSULB. On one hand, I'm thrilled about it...and on the other hand, I feel kinda regretful that the semester is almost at an end. One reason why I'm thrilled that I'm about to go on Winter Break after next week is the fact that I don't have to worry about any more stinkin' tests. This whole semester was filled with STINKIN' tests!!! At least I didn't have to write any papers (except one in my Anthropology 120 class) this semester. That's a good thing. Next week are my finals, and I have to read at least 2/10th of the pages in my Greek Mythology packet that deals with the Odyssey story by Homer. There're 400+ pages worth of that storyline in the packet, in case you're wondering.

Now, the reason why I feel regretful that this semester is about to end was that I talked to a lot of cool people in most of my classes...and knowing college, this might be the last time I run into most of them. Math 112 was wack but I talked to this one Vietnamese girl who's really cool to talk to but is gonna move to Colorado after the semester ends (because her boyfriend lives there). There's this one homeboy in my Math class who I find hilarious just because of the fact I keep forgetting what his name is. Haha, that cracks me up. In my Greek class I talked to this one Caucasian girl and African American girl--who both sit next to me on my left-- who share the view that having to take a test on mythology is kinda like being quizzed on horse manure (actually, I came up with this phrase). In my Geology lecture, I can't help but tease this one girl whose average test score is at least 55% in the class...but she's really cool. In my Geology lab, there's that other Vietnamese girl I talk to that I mentioned in my November 8 entry, but I'll talk about her more later for reasons mentioned in that entry.

Hopefully, next semester will be dope too. That is, in terms of the people I talk to. About academics, I hope this semester won't be as HELLISH as this last one!!! Nuff' said.