Thursday, May 30, 2024


This Orange Demagogue MUST NOT be allowed back into the White House.

Sorry, "Lock Her Up" crowd, but the fate that you wanted to drop on Hillary Clinton back in 2016 has potentially befallen your twice-impeached 2024 presidential nominee instead.

Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 felony charges in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels...who Trump cheated on his wife Melania with only four months after Melania gave birth to their son Barron in 2006.

Of course, none of this matters to the MAGA crowd—who wants the Dotard to return to the Oval Office and become the third convicted felon behind Nelson Mandela (a figure of inspiration and hope, FYI, unlike the corrupt and Putin-pleasing patsy Drumpf) in 1994 and Adolf Hitler in January 1933 to become the leader of a major world power. GOD FORBID with that latter comparison.

And this conviction will do nothing to stop the political wreckage formerly known as the Republican Party from supporting Trump...with House-speaking c**ksucker (a title I previously bestowed upon Paul Ryan several years back) Mike Johnson, Marjorie Taylor "Bleach-Blonde, Bad-Built, Butch Body" Greene, Jim "I'm a Pardon-seeking Pedophile Enabler Who's Obsessed with Hunter Biden and Regularly Ignored My Congressional Subpoena for the January 6 Insurrection Hearings since 2022" Jordan and company remaining steadfast in their loyalty to the Orange Buffoon.

Trump is set to be sentenced in New York on July 11. He'll most likely not be given a prison sentence, but the fact that he's now officially a one-term, twice-impeached convicted criminal should be a wake-up call to all Americans who aren't a red cap-donning MAGA moron to not allow this demagogue back into the White House...ever again.

MAGAts will never accept the fact that Donald Trump is 'human scum' (a label that he bestowed upon non-MAGA Americans this past Memorial Day).

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