Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Hayabusa2 Update: The Soil Samples from Asteroid Ryugu Will Touch Down in the Land Down Under This December...

An artist's concept of Japan's Hayabusa2 spacecraft collecting a soil sample from the surface of asteroid Ryugu.

Joint Statement for Cooperation in the Hayabusa2 Sample Return Mission by the Australian Space Agency and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Press Release - July 14)

The Australian Space Agency (the Agency) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) have been in close cooperation on JAXA’s asteroid sample-return mission, Hayabusa2. The sample capsule is planned to land in Woomera, South Australia and the Agency and JAXA are working towards the planned safe re-entry and recovery of the capsule containing the asteroid samples.

Recently, JAXA indicated that 6 December 2020 (Australia/Japan time) is its planned target date for the capsule re-entry and recovery. The Agency and JAXA are working through JAXA’s application for Authorisation of Return of Overseas Launched Space Object (AROLSO), which will need to be approved under the Space Activities Act (1998).

Successfully realizing this epoch-making sample return mission is a great partnership between Australia and Japan and will be a symbol of international cooperation and of overcoming the difficulties and crisis caused by the (COVID-19) pandemic.

Dr. Megan Clark AC
Head, Australian Space Agency
Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Yamakawa Hiroshi
President, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Tokyo, Japan

Source: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

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