Just thought I'd share these photos that I took at Crystal Cove Beach in Orange County, California yesterday. I've been meaning to visit this state park since mid-2017, but I couldn't find the time to...and I wasn't in the mood to pay $15 maximum for parking at the beach (I ended up only paying $10). Also, I heard through one of my friends last year that the city of Laguna Beach, which—along with nearby Newport Beach—has jurisdiction over parts of Crystal Cove, made it mandatory to apply for a permit (at a cost of $100 minimum) to conduct photo and film shoots at the beach. Seeing as how I went to Crystal Cove to take pics with my Nikon D3300 DSLR, and I was originally planning to use my camera tripod with it, this was probably gonna be a red flag to any park rangers I ran into at the area (I ended up encountering two rangers at the beach). All the images that I took were handheld yesterday.

Crystal Cove Beach is a nice locale, but chances are I'll probably just drive to El Matador Beach in Malibu if I want to take more photos of the ocean with my DSLR next time. Despite the distance (El Matador Beach is around 70 miles from where I live, as opposed to 40 miles for Crystal Cove), there are no photo restrictions at the Malibu location...and I don't have to take a friggin' toll road to get there. [I had to use the 73 Freeway, which required you to pay a toll, in Orange County—despite many efforts to avoid this highway by driving far enough to have my GPS re-route me to a different path. These efforts didn't work (thanks for nothing, Google Maps).] Carry on.

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