Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Little Theater...

The Little Theater at FOX Studios in Century City, California.

Seven years ago tonight, I went to the FOX Studios in Century City to attend a screening for a movie (which shall remain unnamed) that was released in theaters nationwide in spring of 2011. The screening took place inside the Little Theater...shown in the pics above and below this entry. The reason why I bring this up is that this screening would set up a chain of events that would profoundly affect my life—but not in a positive way. If I could go back to that night, well, I wouldn't have changed a thing. It was what took place less than two weeks after this screening occurred (around New Year's Day) that mistakes were made that would put me in the predicament I'm in now. Sorry for this extremely cryptic Blog entry. But I will tell you that the film I saw in the Little Theater was really good! I'll leave it at that.

And if any of you knows someone who goes by the online screenname "Saadizzle," kick his ass. Destroy him if you have to! Carry on.

The Little Theater at FOX Studios in Century City, California.

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