Wednesday, September 11, 2013

12 Years Later...

God Bless America.

Just thought I'd commemorate 9/11 by posting these two pics—one new, one old—of New York City that I stumbled upon on Facebook today. The image directly below shows the USS Iowa sailing past the island of Manhattan with the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center looming in the background. In the very last photo of this entry, the new 1 World Trade Center stands majestically above the rest of the New York a pic that was taken late last month. My fellow Americans should definitely be proud that we can get back up and recover after trying to be taken down by those who are threatened and/or jealous of our freedom. Go USA!

The USS Iowa sails past the island of Manhattan in this archival photo.
Photo courtesy of Pacific Battleship Center -

The 1 World Trade Center in New York seen on August 30, 2013.
Photo courtesy of WTC Progress -

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