The title above isn't as messed up as you think—at least for the folks being unfriended on Facebook go! So how many of you have posted 'Happy Birthday' on someone's FB page, only to care
(RE: be bored) enough to visit their profile a few hours later...and see that they only clicked 'Like' on the b-day greetings of select people
(who are either close friends or family members, which is perfectly understandable)? You care
(RE: are bored) enough to visit their page again the following day, and still, only those select people were replied to by the birthday punk/girl
(who still had time to post other things on their timeline even if that person was at work). Not to sound overly sensitive, but if folks can't take two seconds to at least click 'Like' on birthday messages by everyone else
(even if we haven't talked in person for a couple of years), and they didn't get a ton of well-wishes that they couldn't possibly answer in one sitting
(this applies to all of the hot girls on my buddy list who have up to 1,000 FB friends), then that person doesn't need to be on my buddy list. And that spares me from reading some of the inane, annoying crap that you post on my News Feed.
DELETE. And possibly 'block.'
On another not-so-unrelated note
(yea, it's okay if he
doesn't respond back):
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