NASA / JPL -Caltech
CURIOSITY Update... More than a week ago, the Curiosity Mars rover and its descent stage were enclosed in the backshell that will protect the rover during its 8-month journey through deep space after its scheduled launch from Florida late next month. Below are additional pics of Curiosity being enshrouded by its heat shield, images of Curiosity attached to its descent stage, a name fixture that was installed onto the spacecraft last July and a photo of the rover’s nuclear-powered generator—also known as a Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator—that arrived at Kennedy Space Center in late June of this year. Should it lift off on-time this November 25, Curiosity will arrive at Mars in early August of 2012.

NASA / JPL - Caltech

NASA / JPL - Caltech

NASA / Dimitri Gerondidakis

NASA / Dimitri Gerondidakis

NASA / Jim Grossmann

NASA / Frankie Martin
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