A RANDOM, DISGRUNTLED POST (Typed early in the morning...like around 1:15 AM)... As has been the case since my family first got it in 2002, there have been various times each year where my DSL connection would be on the fritz during certain parts of the day, and I literally couldn’t go on the Internet for a couple of hours
(recently it was EIGHT hours, from 11 AM to 7 PM). Which brings me to typing this post. I’ve already posted a past journal entry lambasting this company
(don’t feel like finding that Blog in my archives), but
Verizon REALLY pisses me off. I remember a few years back where some Verizon tech person I talked to on the phone said the sporadic loss of connection was possibly due to a deteriorating phone line underground. Unfortunately, nothing could be done about that line until it completely became inactive and enough people called in to get that phone line repaired or replaced. SAY WHAT??? SCREW YOU, VERIZON!! Granted, the response by you readers will be
"Just get cable then, you idiot!" But I'm not the one paying for DSL, and Verizon is also our home/cell phone provider. It's all about saving money even if it's with a phone company whose corporate office I want to bom-- Nevermind. However, my family is paying ‘X’ amount of dollars monthly for DSL
(gotta check to see how much cable costs), and we have to worry about not being able to get the Internet for several hours each day because some f***face from that phone company won’t repair a cable? Makes me want to put a bullet in your heads, you punkass-little douchebags. I TOLD YOU this post was gonna sound disgruntled... Just not disgruntled enough to say I want to bomb their corporate- Nevermind again.
Of course, it’s not only Verizon’s fault. There’s probably some rat bastard somewhere in my neighborhood who is downloading crap
(bootleg movies? Pirated software?) that causes the phone line to become overloaded. I wanna put a bullet in your head too, f***er. I was hoping this problem would end once school began for jailbait runts living nearby, as I assumed that it’s some teenage dips*** living down the street who’s too busy browsing
Youtube or posting lousy songs on their
Myspace profile, but it’s 1:15 AM in the morning
(I just couldn’t post this Blog during that time because, SURPRISE, SURPRISE, I couldn’t log onto Blogger.com), and I’m too busy watching as the "Ready" light on my DSL modem continues to blink. It’s supposed to be lit solid-green when there is Internet connection. So time to get off the computer, and wish that I had cable instead of DSL to help me get my daily dose of online crap.
DAMN YOU, VERIZON!! DAMN YOU TO HEELLL!! There goes my insomnia. Time to sleep.
UPDATE: My internet connection is slow as I post this. Well son-of-a-bitch.
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