DON’T MIND ME... Just posting up a Blog that
isn’t about space or movies, haha. Anyways... Last night, I worked for the first time with
Susie L.—who is the sister of one of my long-time co-workers
(who is also a film school alumnus who graduated from Cal State Long Beach in 2003). I’ve known her for the past two years, and I think we get along pretty well
(particularly on MySpace). She’s Chinese,
tooootally attractive
(in fact, she models! Even a blind man wearing a handkerchief could see that one coming) and she has a great personality. Oh, and she already has a boyfriend...but they ALL have boyfriends—so we'll overlook
this point. Unfortunately, all the other factors will make working with her
excruciating...'cause obviously, I’ll care more about talking to her during the shift than getting work done. That’s not a good thing. As long as her brother is on the same shift as me, Susie will also be there. She’s been working in this company since June
(for stupid reasons, her job at Cal State Long Beach—she’s walking in the commencement ceremony there next Spring—released her from employment a few months ago. Those bastards), and it’s supposedly gonna be a part-time gig. Which brings up the dilemma— Will I feel bad for her eventually leaving this job to work somewhere else? Or will I feel relieved? She actually worked in this job a few years ago, but supposedly left because her parents either didn’t want her to work during that time...or because one of our supervisors spooked her into leaving
(I would be pissed if it was that last reason). Dunno... I’ll find out the day her bro shows up to work and she doesn’t.
Susie left for the Hawaiian island of Oahu more than an hour before this posting. She’s gonna be there for a week with her boyfriend and his family. Have fun, Susie... And don’t forget to keep track of the things you do on the
last two days of your trip
(inside joke, haha). Oh, and remind your boyfriend to bring home some volcanic rocks or sand, ‘kay? Just kidding. Her boyfriend's cool. Luckiest guy in the world. Do research on Hawaiian rocks and superstitions if you don’t know what I’m talking about, folks. That is all. I
always end my journal entries with that sentence. How 'bout, um...
End communication?
Ako ibigin niya. Siya ay maganda.
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