A year ago today, I got rained out on the third and supposedly final day of shoot for my senior film project
Envious. Technically, this was a blessing in disguise... Otherwise, without being disgruntled or distraught or whatever I wouldn't have been able to warrant the sympathy
(That sounds too negative. Make that 'pity') of my cast and crewmembers, who were willing to help me out on the pick-up shoot that took place on January 31st and February 1st of this year. And technically, with the number of shots I had planned for my film, there would have been no way in hell I could've gotten everything done in just three days last December! So having it rain during my production helped persuade my classmates and actors to deal with my masterful directing just two days more, haha! Just kidding. For more info, go to the links I provided in the
Sunday, December 12, 2004 entry below.
Oh, and sorry Christina. Didn't mean to have that last entry on you sink to second place so quickly.
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