Election 2000: Just less than 4 hours ago, I drove to my assigned polling place to cast my vote for who should become the next president. So who did I vote for?
Well, let's put it this way...last semester in my U.S. History class, my professor said that college students were most likely to vote for a liberal official during an election. Liberal as in un-conservative (i.e. un-Republican)...and not necessarily a libertarian. So in other words, I voted democratic. If you haven't gotten the hint yet, I voted for Al Gore and Joe Lieberman to be the head honchos in the White House, other democratic officials to run in the California senate (I live in SoCal.., in case your wondering), and yes on such propositions as 35 and 39.
So if you're disgusted with me voting for a democrat instead of ol' George Dubya and Dick Cheney...then get back at me by going to your nearest voting booth and voting for these two or that Nader guy. VOTE NOW!!