Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Note to Mitch McConnell: GIVE IT UP...
Earlier today, it was reported online that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sought to introduce a bill that would completely repeal the Affordable Care Act (or ACA, a.k.a. Obamacare) without seeking to replace it for at least two years. This development came about less than 24 hours after McConnell's previous attempt to repeal and replace the ACA with the American Health Care Act (which was renamed the Better Care Reconciliation Act, or BCRA) fell through...due to four Republican senators (Jerry Moran, Mike Lee, Susan Collins and Rand Paul) announcing that they will not vote 'yes' on the health bill. One of those senators, Susan Collins, joined two other congresswomen (Lisa Murkowski and Shelley Moore Capito) in announcing that they will vote 'no' on the repeal-only Obamacare bill today. Mitch McConnell could only have two 'no' votes among his 52 GOP senators to pass any health bill (the Democrats are against anything that would kill Obamacare, fortunately); four 'noes' derailed the BCRA yesterday and three 'noes' thwarted the Republican repeal plan this morning.
All I can say is, Mitch McConnell needs to give up on his plans to kill Obamacare. It needs to be fixed, not replaced...with the Republicans working alongside Democrats to make the ACA work for every American in this country. No matter how many times the GOP revises its own health bill, it will always be unacceptable because of the fundamental and evil flaws behind it: That at least 20 million folks in the U.S. will lose health coverage within 10 years, and wealthy folks in this country will get huge tax breaks at the expense of sick, middle-class Americans with pre-existing conditions who need Medicaid to seek treatment for their illnesses. (I have my own personal reason as to why the ACA needs to be saved. Today, I have a 3PM doctor's appointment as of this entry.)
I implore Mitch McConnell to do the right thing and admit that Obamacare needs to be fixed using bipartisan help from the Democrats. Please don't put me in the position to spout angry, hateful things about him on my Blog like what I've been doing with House-speaking cocksucker Paul Ryan. There has to be at least one high-ranking Republican official willing to put country over party. Paul Ryan put the GOP over America while Donald Trump, of course, put Russia over the U.S. Show a change of heart, McConnell... Carry on.
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