Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sunspots on the Solar Surface...

A snapshot I took of the Sun with a large group of sunspots--known as Active Region 3664--visible in its southern hemisphere...on May 10, 2024.
Richard T. Par

Last Friday, I went out into my backyard to take photos of the Sun as multiple sunspots were visible on its surface.

Using my Nikon D3300 DSLR camera, I captured the image above of the Sun with a large group of sunspots—known as Active Region 3664—visible in its southern hemisphere. These sunspots were responsible for the powerful geomagnetic storm that caused auroras to be visible in such low-latitude regions as Southern California and Florida two days ago!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to spot the aurora last Friday due to cloudy weather here in Los Angeles County...and the solar storm wasn't strong enough to create more auroras when I tried to see them in person during a trip to Angeles National Forest in the San Gabriel Mountains last night. It's all good.

Missing the aurora on Friday only gives me more motivation to visit Iceland and/or Norway someday to check out the Northern Lights from there! Carry on.

And Happy Mother's Day!

My Nikon D3300 DSLR camera pointing up at the Sun...on May 10, 2024.
Richard T. Par

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