Friday, May 28, 2010
SIX YEARS AGO TODAY, I graduated from California State University, Long Beach. Being a film major, one of my teachers mentioned that if no one in my class made a movie within five years, then we should find another profession. Of course, I wonder if this excluded the senior thesis film that I made in college back in 2003... Or the videos (which you can view on this page) I made using my Fujifilm digital camera... Um, probably not. However, I did write two feature film scripts and two short scripts (one of them almost got made in 2007, but didn’t because the director and I had to keep replacing the cinematographer since the previous ones we chose kept flaking out. That's the disadvantage when you can't pay your cast and crew on a short film gig) since 2004. (I've typed seven feature-length screenplays overall...including a Star Wars "fanfic" script.) I’d write more screenplays, but my Final Draft CD broke last year and now I have to buy another one. I’d edit films, but I don’t have Final Cut Pro. Windows Movie Maker is fun to use, but it’s no FCP, haha.
Anyways, that’s my update for what I’ve been up since I graduated from college...filmmaking-wise. I currently work at a marketing firm that conducts test screenings and press junkets for some of Hollywood's major movie studios. I used to work at Paramount Pictures back in 2005-'06. I was in the one-year-long Page program, but it's all good. Later.
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