Monday, April 09, 2007
"Say hello to your brother!" Great line, great line...from Jack Bauer. This was a little homage to the movie Die Hard as Jack gave Abu Fayed a well-deserved death in tonight's episode of 24. And Mike Doyle's line as he and the rest of the CTU team arrived, and saw Jack's handiwork in the warehouse (Jack lying exhausted on the ground while Fayed's corpse was hanging by a chain and his men's bodies were scattered about in the building)...was CLASSIC. "Damn, Jack." Now... In terms of the final villain for this season, kind of interesting that it happens to be a character who was introduced back in Season 4. With the exception of Nina Meyers and Sherry Palmer, there was never any other character who was a major villain for more than two seasons. Then again, Cheng- Oh wait, now I gave away too much. Nevermind- Pretend I didn't say his name. Go rescue Audrey, Jack!
EDIT: About the preview for next's week episode, WHAT THE HELL is Doyle thinking pointing a gun at Bauer?? If seven terrorists combined couldn't gun down Jack, what makes Doyle think he will? It's your funeral, buddy. Say hello to Curtis Manning for us.
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